Constipation Treatment

Health Hero - Constipation Treatment

Constipation can be an uncomfortable and frustrating condition for many individuals out there. The feeling of being bloated and sluggish can disrupt your daily routine and make you feel less than your best. While there are over-the-counter medications available, many people prefer to turn to natural remedies to relieve constipation and promote regular bowel movements. These natural solutions are often found in everyday food and beverages, making them accessible and easy to incorporate into your diet. Here’s a look at some effective food-based remedies to treat your constipation naturally!

Roasted Pili Nut 80g

Pili Nuts contain natural fibers that can assist digestion and reduce constipation. These nuts are not only delicious but also packed with healthy fats, protein, and essential nutrients. Their high magnesium content further supports muscle function in the digestive tract, promoting regular bowel movements. Incorporating pili nuts into your diet can provide a tasty, nutritious way to improve digestive health. During severe cases, you can grab Simbag’s Roasted Pili Nuts for a snack so you can satisfy your hunger while alleviating your constipation.


Legumes such as beans, lentils, and chickpeas are rich in fiber, which helps add bulk to your stool and promotes bowel regularity. Including legumes in your diet can help alleviate constipation by enhancing the movement of food through your digestive system. They also provide essential nutrients like protein, vitamins, and minerals, making them a nutritious choice for overall health. To incorporate more legumes into your meals, try adding them to soups, salads, or stews, or use them as a base for dips and spreads.


Vegetables, especially those with high fiber content like broccoli, spinach, and carrots, are excellent for relieving constipation. They provide essential nutrients and help soften stool, making it easier to pass. These vegetables are also packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support overall digestive health. To maximize their benefits, aim to include a variety of colorful vegetables in your daily diet. Whether steamed, roasted, or eaten raw, vegetables can enhance your meals and improve your digestive system's efficiency.


Staying hydrated is crucial for maintaining healthy bowel movements. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day helps soften stool and promote regularity. Adequate hydration ensures that your digestive system functions smoothly, preventing constipation and promoting overall health. Aim for at least eight glasses of water a day and consider increasing your intake if you are active or live in a hot climate. In addition to water, consuming hydrating foods like cucumbers, watermelon, and oranges can also contribute to your daily fluid intake.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice can help stimulate your digestive system and promote bowel movements. Add freshly squeezed lemon juice to a glass of warm water and drink it in the morning on an empty stomach to kickstart your digestion. The citric acid in lemon juice acts as a natural stimulant for the digestive tract, encouraging the production of digestive enzymes and bile. This simple, refreshing drink not only helps with constipation but also provides a boost of vitamin C and other antioxidants that support overall health.

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are high in fiber and can absorb water, forming a gel-like consistency that helps soften stool and promote bowel movements. Add chia seeds to yogurt and smoothies or sprinkle them on top of salads to enhance your fiber intake. These tiny seeds are also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and various micronutrients. When consumed regularly, chia seeds can improve digestive health and help maintain regular bowel movements. Remember to drink plenty of water when consuming chia seeds to allow them to expand and work effectively.

Rolled Oats

Rolled oats are a good source of soluble fiber, which helps regulate bowel movements. Start your day with a bowl of oatmeal to help alleviate constipation. Soluble fiber absorbs water and forms a gel-like substance, which softens stool and makes it easier to pass. Oats also provide sustained energy, making them an excellent breakfast choice. To add variety and boost the nutritional value, top your oatmeal with fruits, nuts, and seeds. Including oats in your daily diet can support digestive health and regularity.

Slippery Elm

Slippery elm is an herb that contains mucilage, a gel-like substance that coats and soothes the digestive tract. It can help relieve constipation and promote bowel regularity. Traditionally used in herbal medicine, slippery elm can be taken as a tea, capsule, or powder mixed with water. Its soothing properties can ease irritation in the digestive tract and support overall gut health. For those experiencing chronic constipation, incorporating slippery elm into your routine may provide gentle, effective relief.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has natural laxative properties and can help stimulate bowel movements. Drink aloe vera juice in moderation to relieve constipation. The latex found just beneath the skin of aloe vera leaves contains compounds that can increase intestinal water content and stimulate peristalsis, the contractions that move stool through the digestive tract. While aloe vera juice can be effective, it’s important to use it sparingly and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns or underlying health conditions.


Constipation can often be relieved with simple dietary and lifestyle changes. By incorporating these natural remedies into your daily routine, you can promote healthy digestion and bowel regularity without relying on medications. However, if constipation persists or is accompanied by other symptoms, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional. Stay hydrated, eat a balanced diet rich in fiber, and listen to your body to beat constipation naturally.

See 13 home remedies for constipation here:


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