Best Milk Tea Flavors

Best Milk Tea Flavors

From the land of Taiwan back in the 80s, Milk Tea has found its way all over the world in the present day and has consistently been improved and developed into many forms and variations, proving just how well-loved and versatile it is.

Through social media, it has become a burst of trend in the past few years that it has been particularly noticeable how many brand-new milk tea stalls started popping up everywhere. Being easy to spot for a quick snack, it currently remains one of the most popular drink options that go well with many other types of food.

Milk Tea vs. Bubble Tea

You might have heard the terms milk tea, bubble tea, and even boba being used for pretty much the same concept, and you might have scratched your head in confusion too. So, what’s the difference?

Technically speaking, milk tea is simply a tea-based drink mixed with milk. Bubble tea, on the other hand, could be any type of tea-based beverage that usually contains toppings such as pearls (also known as boba). This means that what we typically refer to as milk tea is actually bubble tea, but due to understandable similarities, these two terms have generally been accepted to be used interchangeably.

Does adding milk to tea reduce benefits?

Even with the known benefits of tea and milk in their pure, separate forms, one may argue that mixing them together is a rather unhealthy move due to added sugars, syrups, and toppings. While this is true, plain milk tea with a reasonable amount of sweetener can still be healthy; it all boils down to preparation techniques.

The only reason that milk tea or bubble tea is unhealthy is that these extra ingredients, which by themselves are unhealthy to begin with, overpower the milk and tea in terms of amount, causing its nutritional value to be overpowered at the same time, canceling out its health properties. 

To retain or add to the health benefits of milk tea, you may add several other ingredients, such as ginger, cardamom, holy basil leaves, or cloves, which have great benefits. Brewing the tea for longer periods improves the retention of antioxidants in tea.

Milk Tea Benefits

Frankly, most store-bought milk tea drinks have very few benefits to offer, especially considering that the preparation process and ingredients aren’t usually disclosed. Its sweet and flavorful taste are the only factors that can be expected. With this, you can expect that most milk tea or bubble tea beverages can help give you an energy boost and lift your mood.

In contrast, homemade milk tea with very minimal additives and healthier alternatives is packed with health benefits. You can learn more about this at the end of the article!

Best Milk Tea Flavors

Here are some of the best, ready-to-drink milk tea variants by Duchess’ Coffee House that you can try if you’re on an exploration to discover popular or unique options:

1. Thai Milk Tea

Iced Thai Milk Tea

Both new and veteran milk tea workers have surely heard of Thai Milk Tea. Even with no excessive ingredients that make it seem fancy, it’s been the most popular and classic milk tea flavor.

The secret of Thai Milk Tea lies in the Thai tea leaf, its center ingredient rich enough to sell by itself without the typical additives you find in other milk tea. Its unique and iconic attribute is its bright, orange color.

2. Matcha Milk Tea

Iced Matcha Milk Tea

Matcha Milk Tea is one of the biggest controversies in the milk tea discussion. Made from processed green tea leaves ground into a delicate powder, a funny notion about this flavor is that it’s like chewing on straight-up grass. However, making matcha milk tea has different ways and variations just like any other milk tea flavor. There are various preparation methods and techniques that make every matcha drink taste different from another; it can have that burst of grassy taste or a hint just right to balance with the sweetness. If you can find your perfect blend, you will definitely find this to be your favorite too!

3. Blue Hazelnut Milk Tea

Iced Blue Hazelnut Milk Tea

Finding the best milk tea flavor should have other qualifications than taste. With Blue Hazelnut Milk Tea, there is a fusion of good taste, appealing looks, and health benefits.

This milk tea flavor has a creamy, nutty, and sweet profile fused with butterfly pea tea. Butterfly Pea Tea has a bright blue color and tastes like a light version of green tea — slightly earthy, grassy, and astringent. 

Blue Hazelnut Milk Tea combines the health benefits of hazelnuts and butterfly pea tea, with the former supporting healthy bowel movements and lowering cholesterol levels, and the latter acting as an anti-inflammatory, brain booster, and skin beautifier.

Looking for a pretty and tasty milk tea flavor with health benefits has never been easier!

Learn about the benefits of drinking tea with milk:


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